销售热線(xiàn): 139 6410 5500

海宁当代艺术博物(wù)馆 Haining museum of contemporary art

导读提要:海宁艺术中心联合了三种独特的文(wén)化机构:海宁当代艺术博物(wù)馆、中西部服装部和"世界基座"(Socle du Monde)。新(xīn)的艺术中心意在成為(wèi)一个集视觉艺术和音乐于一體(tǐ)的全新(xīn)平台。博物(wù)馆融合了景观和建筑设计,為(wèi)单层體(tǐ)量,功能(néng)项目涵盖了永久性和临时性展厅、含150 个座位的礼堂、音乐彩排室、餐厅、多(duō)媒體(tǐ)图书馆和行政办公室。


项目地点:丹麦 海宁

建筑师:斯蒂文(wén) · 霍尔建筑师事務(wù)所

合作建筑师:Kjaer and Richter A/S


建筑面积:5 600m2

项目功能(néng):临时性展馆、含150 个座位的礼堂、音乐排练室、餐馆、多(duō)媒體(tǐ)图书馆和行政办公室

建筑时间:2007—2009 年

摄影:Iwan Baan,Steen Gyldendal,Susan Wides,Thomas Mayer,Thomas Moelvi

           海宁艺术中心联合了三种独特的文(wén)化机构:海宁当代艺术博物(wù)馆、中西部服装部和"世界基座"(Socle du Monde)。新(xīn)的艺术中心意在成為(wèi)一个集视觉艺术和音乐于一體(tǐ)的全新(xīn)平台。博物(wù)馆融合了景观和建筑设计,為(wèi)单层體(tǐ)量,功能(néng)项目涵盖了永久性和临时性展厅、含150 个座位的礼堂、音乐彩排室、餐厅、多(duō)媒體(tǐ)图书馆和行政办公室。

          海宁与纺织业的深厚渊源和皮耶罗·曼佐尼的大量原创藏品(共计46 件)是概念设计的主要灵感来源。博物(wù)馆位于海宁最初的Angli 衬衫工厂附近,建筑建于20 世纪60 年代,类似衬衫衣领外形,这一设计启发了新(xīn)的博物(wù)馆建筑的形态。从上空看,屋顶的几何形状与覆盖在画廊空间上的衬衫袖子类似:弧形屋顶将平衡的自然光線(xiàn)引入画廊。自由布局的周边空间為(wèi)咖啡馆礼堂、大厅和办公室保留了空间。展览空间可(kě)以轻松关闭,而所有(yǒu)的外围空间依然开放,供业余时间使用(yòng)。為(wèi)实现与建筑外部墙壁一样的织物(wù)质地,白色混凝土模架中植入了卡車(chē)篷布。


         部分(fēn)周边景观由屋顶的反曲線(xiàn)几何形状塑造而成。為(wèi)了转变平坦的场地, 一个新(xīn)的40 000m2 的狭長(cháng)的景观草(cǎo)堆和泳池遮盖了停車(chē)和服務(wù)區(qū),将视線(xiàn)焦点引入处于南侧阳光下的倒影池上。

Introduction: haining art center has combined three unique cultural institutions: haining museum of contemporary art, Midwest clothing department and "world base" (Socle du Monde). The new art center is intended to be a new platform for visual arts and music. Integrating landscape and architectural design, the museum is a single-storey volume that functions as a permanent and temporary exhibition hall, a 150-seat auditorium, a music rehearsal room, a restaurant, a multimedia library and administrative offices.
Project name: haining museum of contemporary art
Project location: henin, Denmark
Architect: Steven hall architects
Co-architects: Kjaer and Richter A/S
Client: haining art center
Building area: 5,600m2
Project features: temporary pavilion, 150-seat auditorium, music rehearsal room, restaurant, multimedia library and administrative office
Construction time: 2007-2009
Photography is by Iwan Baan, Steen Gyldendal, Susan Wides, Thomas Mayer, Thomas Moelvi
The haining art center brings together three unique cultural institutions: the haining museum of contemporary art, the central and western clothing department and the Socle du Monde. The new art center is intended to be a new platform for visual arts and music. Integrating landscape and architectural design, the museum is a single-storey volume that functions as a permanent and temporary exhibition hall, a 150-seat auditorium, a music rehearsal room, a restaurant, a multimedia library and administrative offices.
Haining's strong ties to the textile industry and piero manzoni's extensive original collection of 46 pieces are key inspirations for the concept. The museum is located near the original Angli shirt factory in haining. The building was built in the 1960s and resembles a shirt collar, which inspired the new form of the museum building. Seen from above, the geometry of the roof is similar to the shirt sleeves that cover the gallery space: the curved roof introduces balanced natural light into the gallery. The free-form surrounding Spaces are reserved for the cafe auditorium, lobby and offices. The exhibition space can be easily closed, while all the peripheral Spaces remain open for use in spare time. To achieve the same fabric texture as the external walls of the building, a truck tarpaulin is embedded in the white concrete formwork.
The gallery space is orthogonal and symmetrical to meet the artistic requirements, and the curving roof allows natural light to enter the interior. The walls of the gallery act as load-bearing elements and become "treasure boxes" in the museum. The lightweight structure of the interior gallery wall allows for movement, ensuring flexibility for future exhibitions. The uniform dark green concrete floor ensures that the floor becomes a continuous copper-green, decorated with wax.
Part of the surrounding landscape is shaped by the anti-curved geometry of the roof. To transform the flat site, a new 40 000m2 long and narrow landscaped haystack and pool covers the parking and service areas, bringing the focus to the reflecting pool on the south side under the sun.





手机:139 6410 5500

销售热線(xiàn):139 6410 5500


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