销售热線(xiàn): 139 6410 5500

中空玻璃与U型玻璃与的比较 Comparison between insulating glass and u-shaped glass



        U型玻璃的传热系数较低(双层U玻 K=2.39W/m2k),有(yǒu)良好的隔热保温性能(néng)。现有(yǒu)幕墙上常用(yòng)的普通中空玻璃的传热系数在3.38 W/m2k和3.115 W/m2k之间,比双层U型玻璃的保温性能(néng)差。



3. U型玻璃是绿色环保产品:






1、 双道密封槽铝式

2、 U型间隔条

3、 泡沫胶条式

4、 泡沫硅胶条式

5、 复合密封胶条

一、 槽铝式中空玻璃特点


二、 U型间隔条式中空玻璃特点


三、 泡沫胶条式中空玻璃的特点

1、 國(guó)外泡沫条一般為(wèi)泡沫硅胶条,内含分(fēn)子筛。现在市场上叫做超级间隔条。加工过程要求全系统真空密闭,价格高于复合胶条,产品处于推广阶段。

2、 國(guó)产泡沫胶条為(wèi)PE(聚乙烯)开孔泡沫,粘接面為(wèi)压敏胶,不存在干燥性能(néng),没有(yǒu)密封效果,纯属低档假冒制品。现在國(guó)家已禁止使用(yòng)。以此种材料制成的双层玻璃不仅透气,而且透灰尘,一般2-3年泡沫条与玻璃自然脱离。

四、 复合胶条式中空玻璃的特点


1、 内藏连续的铝隔条,避免了槽铝插角部分(fēn)的缺欠,使中空玻璃的潮气通道降到最少。

2、 非金属的整體(tǐ)结构,构成暖边效应,与传统式铝隔条技术相比热传导率减少75%,一般可(kě)节能(néng)5%。同时带来的好处體(tǐ)现在民(mín)居中高性能(néng)的门窗玻璃上,很(hěn)少结露以保证清洁的外观和减少玻璃的发霉变质,可(kě)提高玻璃边缘温度5℃并降低80%的结露可(kě)能(néng)。

3、 高品质的干燥剂预混在复合式胶条中,特殊的结构设计能(néng)有(yǒu)效保证干燥性能(néng)稳定持久。标准测试一般-40℃不结露,极限测试-70℃不结露。

4、 在潮气传输渠道上7.1mm的隔阻是传统铝隔条式的3mm丁基胶隔阻层的2.3倍,而拥有(yǒu)最强的潮气隔阻性能(néng)。

5、 复合胶条式中空玻璃对温度不敏感性。减少中空玻璃中空气在受热的一边上升,遇冷的一边下降而形成的气流对温度的传递,减少对流4.5倍。保持内外温度一致,防止玻璃受固有(yǒu)压力作用(yòng)而造成破损。

6、 由于复合密封胶条的各项功能(néng)是在专业工厂中集中预制,其中空玻璃的质量几乎不受工人技术水平的限制,成品合格率几乎100%。

7、 柔性的结构在专用(yòng)工具的帮助下可(kě)随玻璃的几何形状任意变化,扩大了中空玻璃的使用(yòng)范围。

8、 一步安装成功与传统铝隔条法相比提高工效10〜20倍。熟练工人安装一块玻璃一般不超过10秒(miǎo),一套生产線(xiàn)平均每天加工中空玻璃500m2。

9、 合格的复合胶条无任何挥发物(wù),清洁无污染,符合环保要求。

10、 复合胶条式中空玻璃一次安装成功,热合后可(kě)立即转入装配工序,不需要静止存放,减少車(chē)间场地面积,提高生产效率。从以上介绍不难看出,复合胶条式中空玻璃是未来门窗行业发展的必然趋势。随着行业的规范和人们生活水平的提高,普及使用(yòng)中空玻璃势在必行。

Features of u-shaped glass
1. Energy saving:
The heat transfer coefficient of u-shaped glass is low (double layer U glass K= 2.39w/m2k), and it has good thermal insulation performance. The heat transfer coefficient of common insulating glass commonly used on existing curtain walls is between 3.38w/m2k and 3.115w/m2k, which is worse than that of double-layer u-shaped glass.
2. U-shaped glass installation and construction is simple and fast:
Because U type glass can be used as the main force component of the curtain wall directly, compared with the ordinary glass curtain wall, it saves a lot of accessories such as keel, which is easy to make and install and greatly shortens the construction period.
3. U-shaped glass is a green environmental protection product:
Due to the high transmittance of u-shaped glass, when it is used in public buildings such as factory buildings, it can not only save the cost of indoor lighting, but also provide a humanized working environment. And U - shaped glass can be recycled broken, waste glass reproduction, to protect the environment.
2. Economy:
U-shaped glass is the glass profile formed by continuous rolling method, which makes the building glass develop from plate to profile, so its comprehensive cost is relatively low. The use of u-shaped glass composite curtain wall can save a lot of steel or aluminum profiles.
Several types and characteristics of insulating glass
So far there are generally five types of insulating glass
1, double seal aluminum groove
2. U-shaped spacer bar
3, foam tape type
4. Foam silicone strip type
5. Compound sealing tape
I. features of grooved aluminum insulating glass
Troughed aluminum insulating glass originated in Europe and has a history of nearly 50 years. According to the normal design of five materials double seal, as long as the material, manufacturing qualified is able to meet the requirements of insulating glass standards.
Ii. Features of u-shaped spacer type insulating glass
There is no obvious difference between u-shaped spacer bar and groove aluminum bar except that the u-shaped spacer bar is built with specially manufactured strip dry material. It's basically the same type of technology.
Three, the characteristics of foam tape type insulating glass
1. The foam bars in foreign countries are generally made of silica gel with molecular sieves. Now the market is called super spacer bars. The processing process requires the whole system vacuum sealing, the price is higher than the composite tape, the product is in the promotion stage.
2, domestic foam strip for PE (polyethylene) open foam, bonding surface for pressure-sensitive adhesive, there is no dry performance, no sealing effect, pure low-grade counterfeit products. Now the country has banned it. The double layer glass that makes with this kind of material breathes air not only, and permeate dirt, general 2-3 bubble strip and glass nature are detached from.
Four, the characteristics of composite tape type insulating glass
Composite strip insulating glass was invented in 1978 by American seal chemistry experts. In more than 50 countries nearly 2000 doors and Windows used by enterprises, its main characteristics are:
1, inside the continuous aluminum partition, to avoid the aluminum slot Angle part of the lack of moisture channel to minimize the insulating glass.
2, the overall structure of non-metal, constitute the warm side effect, compared with the traditional aluminum strip technology heat conductivity reduced by 75%, can generally save 5%. At the same time embodies the benefits of high performance glass of doors and Windows in the residential, rarely condensation to ensure a clean appearance and reduce the gone mouldy glass, glass can be improved condensation temperature 5 ℃ and 80% reduction in the edge of the possible.
3. High quality desiccant is premixed in the compound adhesive strip. The special structure design can effectively ensure the stability and durability of the drying performance. Standard test to 40 ℃ generally not condensation, limit test not condensation - 70 ℃.
4. The 7.1mm barrier on the moisture transmission channel is 2.3 times of the traditional 3mm butyl rubber barrier layer with aluminum strip, and has the strongest moisture barrier performance.
5. Composite strip insulating glass is not sensitive to temperature. Reduce the air in the insulating glass to rise on the hot side and fall on the cold side, and reduce the convection by 4.5 times. Keep the same temperature inside and outside to prevent the glass from being damaged by the natural pressure.
6. As the functions of the composite sealing tape are prefabricated centrally in professional factories, the quality of the hollow glass is almost not limited by the technical level of workers, and the qualified rate of finished products is almost 100%.
7. With the help of special tools, the flexible structure can be changed arbitrarily with the geometric shape of the glass, expanding the scope of use of insulating glass.
8. The one-step installation success can improve the working efficiency by 10-20 times compared with the traditional aluminum strip separation method. Skilled workers generally do not install a piece of glass for more than 10 seconds, and a set of production lines average 500m2 of insulating glass per day.
9. The qualified compound adhesive strip is free from any volatile matter, clean and pollution-free, and meets the requirements of environmental protection.
10. Once the compound adhesive strip type insulating glass is installed successfully, it can be immediately transferred to the assembly process after thermal bonding, without the need for static storage, reducing the workshop site area and improving the production efficiency. It is not difficult to see from the above introduction that composite strip type insulating glass is the inevitable trend of the future development of the door and window industry. With the standardization of the industry and the improvement of people's living standards, it is imperative to popularize the use of insulating glass.




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