销售热線(xiàn): 139 6410 5500

瑞士驻美國(guó)大使府邸 The residence of the Swiss ambassador to the United States

      去年9月16日, 我和Grace有(yǒu)幸参观了Steven Holl的新(xīn)作---位于华府的瑞士大使邸.能(néng)有(yǒu)这个机会接近并體(tǐ)验这栋建筑还要感謝(xiè)瑞士使馆的公众开放日. 这也算瑞士官员给外交建筑赋予文(wén)化传播功能(néng)的良苦用(yòng)心吧. 结果当然很(hěn)成功,活动吸引了很(hěn)多(duō)附近的居民(mín),热衷于瑞士文(wén)化的市民(mín),和象我们这种”追星族”建筑师。

      Steven Holl是公认的美國(guó)当红建筑师. 他(tā)对建筑形式探索的执着程度,在美國(guó)建筑界鲜有(yǒu)人出其右. 在Holl先生两年前的演讲上初次了解了瑞士大使邸,显然和他(tā)以前的设计大有(yǒu)不同. 我们怀着强烈的好奇来到了使馆. 

     建筑位于使馆院内一座小(xiǎo)丘之上. 从遠(yuǎn)处看去,不象Holl的一贯做法------引入曲線(xiàn)/斜線(xiàn)/色彩以营造非常的视觉趣味. 房子的體(tǐ)量中规中矩,颜色也尽含蓄之能(néng)事. 深灰的实墙浅灰的幕墙使我不由联想起一幅江南小(xiǎo)镇的水墨画,平静祥和. 在加上阴雨的天气,更给我的感受增加了几分(fēn)诗意.


     当我们逐渐走近房子时,另一种视觉趣味引起了我们的注意: 深灰的实墙上逐渐显现出水平的肌理(lǐ),仿佛是灰砖砌成的,但又(yòu)有(yǒu)一些不规则的起伏; 而浅灰的幕墙上开始显现出垂直的肌理(lǐ),若隐若现好象道林纸上的条纹. 强烈的好奇心驱使我们加快脚步看个究竟.直到我们到了伸手可(kě)及的距离才不由得拍手叫绝 . 深灰的实墙是染色的现浇混凝土,不规则的肌理(lǐ)显然是模板上嵌入的薄厚不一的方木(mù使然. 浅灰的幕墙是并列的半透明的玻璃型材以硅胶嵌缝. 确实与众不同, 更令人叫绝的是玻璃幕墙只是双层外墙的一层,玻璃型材里面还有(yǒu)一层白色实墙. 每层墙體(tǐ)上都随机地分(fēn)布着开启,于是就产生了贯穿的窗洞和半透明的窗洞在墙面上无秩序的组合. 真可(kě)谓”真真假假,虚虚实实”.


      房子的入口雨棚巧妙地使用(yòng)了同样的玻璃型材料,简直摩登到了极致. 由于参观的客人很(hěn)多(duō),我们在门外排了一会儿队才得进入. “那不是Steven Holl吗!”, 先看到的不是建筑,是大师本人. Holl穿着一身带褶的黑西服套装, (毕竟是大师, 西服要带褶的: D) 显然大多(duō)数客人不是追星建筑师, 没人对他(tā)过分(fēn)关注. 大师走上几步楼梯给摄影师摆了个姿势. 气质谦逊,稳健又(yòu)透着几分(fēn)傲气. (只有(yǒu)大师会既谦逊又(yòu)傲气)整个过程不过十分(fēn)钟, 他(tā)就匆匆离开了. 我们继续看房子. 室内设计没有(yǒu)什么惊人之处, 除入口门厅可(kě)以看到Holl注册商(shāng)标式的延伸的立體(tǐ)空间,以及几处旋转隔断外,大多(duō)数处理(lǐ)更象大设计公司的做法.也许业主在这方面有(yǒu)很(hěn)具體(tǐ)的要求吧.至于细节和施工质量上 ,颇有(yǒu)几处值得批评,这里就不细说了.当然,对于Holl式的事務(wù)所,创新(xīn)是第一位的 ,产品的递交可(kě)以推卸给施工图建筑师或承包商(shāng).不幸的是,我在室内没能(néng)发现什么创新(xīn).  

      走出室内空间,建筑的景观设计与建筑十分(fēn)协调. 灰色调的水磨石地砖漫铺平台. 水池,花(huā)池,碎石池散布其中, 符合流行的简约风格. 从这一点可(kě)以看出建筑师对景观设计的良好控制.(有(yǒu)些景观建筑师经常会把设计做得过于丰富,以显得他(tā)们的服務(wù)物(wù)有(yǒu)所值.)室外景观唯一美中不足之处是其与室内空间的关系显得有(yǒu)些偶然,设计者也许这麽想过:“剩下个方块就当花(huā)园吧!”

统观整个设计,最明显的形式逻辑是十字形平面.十字是瑞士的象征,外墙的虚实关系宛如十字是从一个方块體(tǐ)量中切出来的. 十字的端头使用(yòng)深色实墙,侧面内凹部分(fēn)使用(yòng)浅色幕墙. 这个逻辑清晰明确, 加上墙面质感的处理(lǐ), 形成了大使邸整个设计的最大亮点.其实使用(yòng)C型材玻璃作外墙,并非Holl的独创,在他(tā)之前就有(yǒu)人用(yòng)过了.而且使用(yòng)半透明材料作為(wèi)外墙早已是近年建筑设计的一大流行趋势. 如果只是用(yòng)一下C型材,也没有(yǒu)什麽值得大惊小(xiǎo)怪的.但是Holl把C型材半透明的特性和第二层墙體(tǐ)开洞相结合的手法,实在是把这种材料用(yòng)到了极致. 在Holl的网页上可(kě)也找到夜景照片,实在是非常精彩.最后不得不写的是如果大使邸有(yǒu)自己的气质的话,它是很(hěn)东方的,或者说有(yǒu)几分(fēn)禅意。

Last year on September 16, Grace and I have the honor to visit Steven Holl's new - Swiss ambassador in Washington. To have this opportunity to approach and experience of the building would also like to thank the Swiss embassy Open Day. This is Swiss officials to foreign construction gives the idea behind the cultural transmission function. The result was a success, of course, activity attracted many nearby residents, citizens, the Swiss culture and architects such as we "fans".
Steven Holl is recognized as one of the most popular architects in the United States. His dedication to architectural form exploration is unparalleled in the American architectural field. When Mr. Holl first learned about the Swiss ambassador's residence in his speech two years ago, it was obvious that it was quite different from his previous design.
Hospital building is located in the embassy on a small hill. From afar, is not like Holl customary practice -- -- -- -- -- - the introduction of curve/slash/color in order to create a very visual interest. The average size of the house, color also best of implicit capabilities. The dark grey of the solid wall light gray curtain wall made me up with a picture of a town in jiangnan ink painting, quiet and peaceful. In rainy weather, plus more to my feeling of poetry.
As we approached the house, another visual interest caught our attention: the solid dark grey walls gradually revealed horizontal textures, as if they were made of grey brick, but with some irregular ups and downs; And light grey curtain wall began to appear on a vertical texture, looming like the stripes on the woodfree printing paper. Intense curiosity drives us to speed up the pace to see actually. It was not until the distance to reach us couldn't help us. The dark grey of cast-in-site concrete solid wall is dyed, irregular texture is obviously different template embedded in its thickness of the wood. Light grey curtain wall is tied for the translucent glass profiles with silicone caulking. Really different, What is more amazing is that the glass curtain wall is only one layer of the double-layer outer wall, and there is a layer of white solid wall inside the glass profile. Opening is randomly distributed on each layer of the wall, thus resulting in the disorderly combination of perforating window holes and translucent window holes on the wall.
The canopy at the entrance of the house was cleverly made of the same glass material, which was the ultimate in modern design. The first thing I saw was not the building, but the master himself. Holl was wearing a pleated black suit. D) most of the guests is not make track for a star architects, not too much attention to him. The master steps posed for photographers stairs. Temperament is modest, prudent and appearing somewhat pride. (only the master can both modesty and pride) the whole process but ten minutes, he was in a hurry to leave. We continue to see the house. Nothing surprising thing about interior design, In addition to the entrance foyer, which can be seen as an extension of the Holl registered three-dimensional space, and several rotating partitions, most of the treatment is more like that of a large design company. Of course, for holl-style firms, innovation comes first, and the delivery of products can be shifted to the construction drawing architect or contractor. Unfortunately, I did not find any innovation in the interior.
Out of the interior space, the landscape design and construction of building is very harmonious. Gray tone of terrazzo floor tile paving machine. Pool, lotus pond, interspersed by gravel pool, conform to the popular contracted style. Can be seen from this point of landscape architects design a good control. (some landscape architects often do design too rich, to look for their service value.) The only fly in the ointment of the outdoor landscape is its accidental relationship with the interior space. The designer may have thought, "let's make the garden a square."
Throughout the entire design, the most obvious form of logic is cross plane. The cross is the symbol of Switzerland, exterior false or true relationship is like a cross cut out from a square size. The end of the cross with dark solid wall, side inside concave part using light color curtain wall. This logic clear, plus the processing of metope texture, formed the ambassador of the biggest highlights of the house the whole design. Actually use C shaped glass for exterior wall, is not original, Holl had been used before him. And use translucent material as the exterior is already a popular trend of architectural design in recent years. If we can only use the C section, there is nothing surprising. But Holl C shaped translucent characteristics, and the second floor wall combined technique of open hole, it is to use acme. On Holl can also find photos, night scene is very competitive. Finally had to write that if you have any own temperament ambassador mansion, it is in the east, or what kind of zen.




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