销售热線(xiàn): 139 6410 5500

现代U玻建筑启示录 Apocalypse of modern architecture


















智利馆坐(zuò)落在离中國(guó)馆不遠(yuǎn)的C區(qū),占地3000平方米,在世博园众多(duō)展馆当中只能(néng)算中等偏小(xiǎo)的规模,只要你静心感受,这个不起眼  的展馆却能(néng)够触动人心。智利总统米歇尔?巴切莱特和智利馆总设计胡安?佩德罗,都希望这个建筑能(néng)够永久地保留下来,因為(wèi)形似波浪般起伏的水晶杯中,蕴藏着未来城市发展的神奇密码。全球的媒體(tǐ)、不同肤色的游客,对这个水晶杯给予了格外的关注和高度的赞美。

As we all know, the national pavilions of past world expos are the name CARDS of a country. They are not only the perfect embodiment of the comprehensive strength of the host country, but also have won countless honors and pride for the host country.
The crystal palace at the London world expo in 1851 was arguably the greatest masterpiece of its time.
The Eiffel Tower, the great legacy of the 1889 Paris world expo, is still an immortal specimen of architectural design.
The national pavilion of the 1958 Brussels world expo is a model of atomic structure, witnessing the scientific and technological level at that time.
Expo 2010 Shanghai China is the first comprehensive world expo hosted by a developing country. The China pavilion, known as the "crown of the east", is destined to be the most beautiful memorial and splendid memory of the expo to the world.
The China pavilion is a permanent advertisement whose value cannot be measured and is destined to become a public event attracting worldwide attention from the very beginning of its planning. The amazing advertising effect has made thousands of Chinese and foreign enterprises eager to participate in the construction of China pavilion, even if it is only a trivial cooperation.
Yunnan jiahua new type wall glass co., LTD., as an enterprise to create world-class new wall materials, is the only enterprise in Asia that has the technological achievements in producing u-shaped glass. Even if only a dozen pieces of u-shaped glass are used in the China pavilion, it will bring huge business opportunities that cannot be estimated. Shanghai world expo is known as the green world expo, low carbon world expo, u-shaped glass as a model of green building materials, used in the China pavilion is really well deserved.
Every employee hopes that the company can actively strive for and fully participate in this world grand meeting and let the u-shaped glass dress up the magnificent China pavilion. Company general manager mi jiahua did not have any action however, the relevant stylist of Chinese pavilion seeks actively even come to come to come, discuss cooperation matters, was rejected by him politely. It's not just designers who find it hard to understand, it's employees who find it hard to accept.
As the founder of China u-glass, mijiahua is not without heart; As a corporate boss, he knows better than anyone what effect the U will have on China pavilion. His decision has obviously violated the businessman to profit for the first purpose of the principle, only he is the most clear, gave up the profit, but maintained a Chinese entrepreneur should have the national integrity!
Home China [m] : "China pavilion shows the Chinese culture, science and technology of China, China's creativity, as a Chinese, I hope that every piece of the China pavilion building materials can be created by China's own green building materials, though we has achieved localization of u-shaped glass, but its original from Germany, this is what I give up on the China pavilion the main reason for using U bo!"
Professor he jingtang, the chief designer of the China pavilion and academician of the Chinese academy of engineering, did not know meters, but great minds think alike.
Since it must be Chinese, every point of the China pavilion should be Chinese, as Mr Mi argues. When China pavilion stands proudly on the bank of huangpu river with a unique attitude of Chinese spirit, this red building makes people begin to understand mijiahua. What mijiahua has done is exactly the national integrity displayed by the Chinese pavilion.
Although there is not a piece of glass in the roof of the Chinese pavilion, it still borrows from the aesthetic elements of glass. No matter line, still model, follow U bo to be same completely.
Friends who have some understanding of U glass must have also found that one of the remarkable characteristics of U glass is that it is not transparent, while the glass on the exterior wall of China pavilion is obviously transparent.
"After years of independent research and development, we have produced more and more varieties of u-shaped glass. At present, our main product, ultra-white u-shaped glass, is the biggest difference from traditional u-shaped glass, which is transparent and perspective, and can completely meet the aesthetic needs of different buildings!
The park hyatt hotel, under construction at the sun bay luxury resort in sanya, hainan province, is China's first seven-star hotel, with an exterior wall of 7,500 square meters of ultra-white u-shaped glass, making it one of the hotel's biggest highlights.
Expo 2010 Shanghai China is a major event in the history of world architecture. For the first time, it will focus on cities and showcase world-class urban concepts, architectural technologies and design techniques. It is indeed a great pity that u-shaped glass, a first-class green building material, cannot be seen in the China pavilion. To the delight of the company's employees, Mr. Mika agreed to cooperate with the Chilean pavilion.
The Chile pavilion is located in zone C, not far from the China pavilion. Covering an area of 3,000 square meters, it is only a modest pavilion among the numerous pavilions in the expo park. Chile's President, michel temer, said he was "" deeply concerned" "about the impact of climate change. Bachelet and the Chilean pavilion's chief designer, Juan DE la pailleau, said: "" we are very happy to have the pavilion. Pedro, we all want this building to be here for good, because in its undulating crystal cup lies the secret code of the city's future. Media from all over the world and visitors of different colors have paid special attention to and highly praised the crystal cup.




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